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Young and Beautiful
Released in 23 April 2013

Enlightenment Now

Enlightenment Now

Author: Steven Pinker Created time: August 20, 2021 11:29 AM Page No.: 576 Progress: ✔️


What I am going to to do after reading it?





Wordsmithing - The making of changes to a text to improve clarity and style.

Catastrophize - Worse then it truly is

Modicum - Small quantity of valuable thing

Emphatic - Forcefully and Clearly

Millennials - Those born after 1980


When the data suggested that the gun-control measure lowered crime, all the liberal numerates spotted it, and most of the conservative numerates missed it—they did a bit better than the conservative innumerates, but were still wrong more often than they were right. When the data showed that gun control increased crime, this time most of the conservative numerates spotted it, but the liberal numerates missed it; in fact, they did no better than the liberal innumerates.

Cultural pessimists saw the Y2K bug as comeuppance for enthralling our civilization to technology. Among religious thinkers, the numerological link to Christian millennialism was irresistible. The Reverend Jerry Falwell declared, “I believe that Y2K may be God’s instrument to shake this nation, humble this nation, awaken this nation and from this nation start revival that spreads the face of the earth before the Rapture of the Church.” A hundred billion dollars was spent worldwide on reprogramming software for Y2K Readiness, a challenge that was likened to replacing every bolt in every bridge in the world.

In one cartoon of the new millennium, a father says to his young boy, “Son, your mother and I have bought software to control what you see on the Internet. Um . . . Could you install it for us?”

Spain was an economic laggard among Western countries, even though Spaniards were highly schooled, because Spanish education was controlled by the Catholic Church, and “the children of the masses received only oral instruction in the Creed, the catechism, and a few simple manual skills. . . . Science, mathematics, political economy, and secular history were considered too controversial for anyone but trained theologians.”



Remember your history: the fact that something is bad today doesn’t mean it was better in the past.

— Steven Pinker

Any movement that calls itself “scientific” but fails to nurture opportunities for the testing of its own beliefs is not a scientific movement.

— Steven Pinker

You must not fool yourself—and you are the easiest person to fool.

— Richard Feynman

Most readers have no idea whether their favorite columnists, gurus, or talking heads are more accurate than a chimpanzee picking bananas.

— Steven Pinker

If either the right wing or the left wing gained control of the country, it would fly around in circles.

— Pat Paulsen

We don’t believe in reason; we use reason

— Steven Pinker

I am not an optimist. I’m a very serious possibilist.

— Hans Rosling

Your money or your life

— Jack Benny

Larger the team, the more societal influences.

— Kevin Kelly

Technology is our best hope for cheating death, at least for a while.

— Steven Pinker

Other people are more valuable to you alive than dead.

— Steven Pinker

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